Spinal Cord Tumors

Removing Spinal Cord Tumors

Tumors are simply an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant. When they form in or around the spinal cord, they can upset the connection between the brain and the nerves, or they can inhibit the spinal cord’s blood supply. These are known as intradural spinal tumors, and they often require surgical removal. Our […]

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Removing Spinal Tumors

Tumors are the abnormally rapid growth of tissue, where the normal turnover of tissue cells is outpaced by the abnormal cell growth. The result is a mass of tissue, a tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant. When they grow in the spinal area, our Texas Neurosurgery team removes them with surgery. What kinds of

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Spinal Cord Tumors Dallas, TX

Removing Spinal Cord Tumors

The spinal cord can develop tumors, just like the rest of your body. And, while just the sound of such a thing sounds scary, we can remove them at Texas Neurosurgery and remove the pain you’ve been feeling with them. Spinal cord tumors Spinal cord tumors are similar to any other type of tumor. It’s

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Dealing with Spinal Cord Tumors

A person never wants to hear that he or she has a tumor. But a “spinal cord tumor” can cause extra anxiety. The team at Texas Neurosurgery has extensive experience dealing with these types of tumors, creating successful outcomes. What is a spinal cord tumor? The name spinal cord tumor is a bit of a

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Dallas, TX 75206
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